April 2025 Voting Round

The following have been included in the April 2025 voting round:


Item 1: Introduction of Obedience Supreme Champion title and milestones for dogs achieving challenges (75/100,125 etc.)



Item 1: Replacement of the words "not qualified" with "disqualified"


Working Trials

Item 1: Change for WD, TD article size

Item 2: Correction to criteria for the TTI and TT2/3 Judging Panels

Item 3: Change of wording for Cross Tracks in TT3 to clarify the distance the cross tracks should be apart

 The documents showing the rationales and the details of the regulation changes for the above items can be accessed below:

Voting Items April 2025 - Obedience (detail)

Voting Items April 2025 - Rally-O (detail)

Voting Items April 2025 - Working Trials (detail)

October 2024 Voting Items

The following have been included in the October 2024 voting round:
•              Item 1: Allowing affiliated breed clubs to become registered dog training societies.
•              Item 2: Not allowing video recordings or photographs to be used to influence a judge’ decision

  • Item 1: Allowing the use of dog coats during stays
•              Item 1: To reinforce that knocking a jump bar off does not incur a penalty

The documents showing the rationales and the details of the regulation changes fr the above items can be accessed below:

Voting Items October 2024 - General (detail)

Voting Items October 2024 - Obedience (detail)

Voting Items October 2024 - Rally-O (detail) V2

April 2024 Voting Items

The April 2024 voting round consists of two General items:

General Item 1: Clarification of requirements for regular training by registered Dog Training Societies

General Item 2: Clarification of Show/Event/Trial etc. to remove ambiguity

The document showing the rationales and the details of the regulation changes can be accessed below:

Voting Items April 2024 - General (detail)

April 2023 Voting Results

The results of the April 2023 Voting round were as follows.  Full details will be posted here: https://dogobedience.dogsnz.org.nz/voting%20and%20discussion%20items/

 General (200 votes)
  • Item 1: Voting on regulations changes regarding judging matters: 77.78% (Pass)
  • Item 2: Change of date/time of year for the NDTA to early May: 42.64% (Fail)
  • Item 3: Change to DTC Secretary regulation: 96% (Pass)
  • Item 4: Addition of Treasurer regulation: 97.5% (Pass)
Obedience (221 votes)
  • Item 1: Allowing the use of coats in the Obedience ring: 50.68% (Fail)
  • Item 2: Removing one of the heelwork exercises from Test A: 71.62% (Pass)
  • Item 3: Choice of which heelwork exercise to remove if Item 2 passes: 82.49% for removing on-lead heelwork
This means that from 1 January Test A will only have off-lead heelwork (no on-lead)

  • Item 4: Awarding a Test C challenge for 3rd place if on 295 points or more: 66.97% (Pass)
Rally-O (101 votes)
  • Item 1: Combining Excellent A and Excellent B into a single class: 42.57% (Fail)
The items that passed will come into effect on 1 January 2024.

October 2022 Voting Items

Below are the documents showing the detailed regulation changes for each of the October 2022 voting items.  Links to the Survey Monkey voting forms will be emailed to eligible voters by the region representatives.  Voting closes on 31 October.

Voting Items October 2022 - General (detail)

Voting Items October 2022 - Obedience (detail)

Voting Items October 2022 - Rally-O (detail)

The results of the October 2022 voting round can be found here: October Voting Results

February 2020 Discussion Items

February 2020 Discussion Items - General
February 2020 Discussion Items - Obedience
February 2020 Discussion Items - Rally-O

April 2019 Voting Items - Working Trials (detail)

Please use the Survey Monkey links provided by your Region Representative to place your votes:
For those unable to vote using Survey monkey you may use the following PDF voting forms and forward them to your region representative:
General Survey Monkey Voting form April 2019

Obedience Survey Monkey Voting form April 2019

Working Trials Survey Monkey Voting form April 2019

October 2023 Voting Items (including results)

The following have been included in the October 2023 voting round:
•              Item 1: Addition to responsibilities of the Working Trials Subcommittee
•              Item 2: Addition to responsibilities of the Rally-O Subcommittee
•              Item 3: Change to expand the ability for non-dog training clubs to run Rally-O shows

•              Item 1: Reducing the qualifying score for Rally-Excellent A from 100 to 95
•              Item 2: Clarification of penalties for touching course equipment

Working Trials
•              Item 1: Tracking Trials L1, 2 and 3 Panels – Appointment and Promotion
•              Item 2: Appointment to the Utility Dog Panel – additional criterion
•              Item 3: Mock Trials Regulation for judging probationaries

The documents showing the rationales and the details of the regulation changes can be accessed below:
 Voting Items October 2023 - General (detail)
October 2023 General Voting Round Results

 Voting Items October 2023 - Rally-O (detail)
October 2023 Rally-O Voting Round Results

 Voting Items October 2023 - Working Trials (detail)
October 2023 Working Trials Voting Round Results

April 2018 Voting Round

April 2023 Voting Items

The following items have been included in the April 2023 voting round:
  • Item 1: Voting on regulations changes regarding judging matters
  • Item 2: Change of date/time of year for the NDTA
  • Item 3: Change to DTC Secretary regulation
  • Item 4: Addition of Treasurer regulation
  • Item 1: Allowing the use of coats in the Obedience ring
  • Item 2: Removing one of the heelwork exercises from Test A
  • Item 3: Awarding a Test C challenge for 3rd place if on 295 points or more
  • Item 1: Combining Excellent A and Excellent B into a single class

The documents showing the rationales and the details of the regulation changes can be accessed below:
Voting Items April 2023 - General (detail)

Voting Items April 2023 - Obedience (detail)

Voting Items April 2023 - Rally-O (detail)


April 2023 General Voting Results

April 2023 Obedience Voting Results

April 2023 Rally-O Voting Results

April 2023 Voting Key Items - Results by Region

April 2017 Voting Round Results

The results of the General and Rally-O April voting were as follows.  All items passed and the regulation changes will be effective from 1 July 2017:
Item 1: Change to two-thirds majority for all voting items

97.11% in favour: passed
Item 2: Removal of need for physical marked-up catalogue
92.49 % in favour: passed 
Item 3: Allowing recognised clubs to hold Rally-O ribbon trials instead of (or as well as) obedience ribbon trials
 87.86 % in favour: passed 
Item 1: New Advanced exercise – Forward around pole
 92.05 % in favour: passed 
Item 2: Amendment to Advanced exercise “Halt – Stand”
92.05 % in favour: passed

October 2022 Voting Results

The results of the October voting round were as follows:


      Change to the composition of the Dog Training Committee: Pass (76.98%)
      Alternative Pathway for promotion from the Test B to the Test C Judging Panel: Fail (65.38%)
      Item 1: Remove the penalty for the dislodging the jump bar: Pass (76.92%)
      Item 2: Option for judge to omit the jump in Advanced and Excellent: Pass (76.92%)
      Item 3: Add a mandatory penalty for leaving or entering the ring without a lead: Pass (85.71%)
      Item 4: Deletion of Moving Down (sign 131) and replacement with Stop and Down: Fail (62.64%)
      Item 5: Encore Champion Titles: Pass (69.23%)
      Item 6: Encore Grand Champion Titles: Pass (68.13%)
      Item 7: Allow clubs to run more Encore classes if they wish: Pass (69.23%)
      Item 8: Changes to procedure for promotion from Excellent to Encore panel: Pass (85.52%)
      Item 9: Add Rally-O Rapid as optional class: Fail (51.65%)
      Item 10: Add Rally-O Rapid Awards: Fail (49.45%)
      Item 11: Change to eligibility for Novice B (requiring three Advanced qualifications before moving out of Novice B): Pass (70.33%)